A treat split in two. . .does not count as two treats
A Letter to my intern
Dear intern,
it has come to my attention that you persist in splitting a treat in half, and then give half to me and half to my bro, cool. we have discussed this on multiple occasions, which is why i am forced to give you my most disappointed look.
did you know that dogs are math superstars? it's true. Why just the other day, i made a giant pile of precisely seven sticks. Why? because i didn't want just six. i knew i needed one more, ergo math. also, i am sorry (not really) that i was forced to ruin your bushes to obtain stick number seven. let's not dwell on that. as they say, "what's done is done."
going forward, now that you know that i know about the treat-splitting, please refrain from this activity. you simply cannot take one treat and turn it into two. the math just doesn't work.
A very well written letter to your intern Mrs. R. I wholeheartedly agree that one treat broken into two does not constitute two treats.
we look forward to more blogs 🥰.
Daisy & linda